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Siemens Industrial Experience provides a theme for the populer chart library ECharts. This lets you harness the power of ECharts with seemless intergration into the Siemens Industrial Experience styleguide.

ECharts is a third party library distributed under Apache License 2.0.


npm install --save @siemens/ix-echarts

First, import the registerTheme function from our module. Then, invoke this function, passing in your echarts instance as an argument. You don't need to provide the echarts instance if it is provided globally in your window object when using vanilla Javascript. Once this is done, you’ll be able to utilize the brand-dark, brand-light, classic-dark, and classic-light themes for your chart.

import { registerTheme } from '@siemens/ix-echarts';



Please make sure to correctly add NgxEcharts in your module file.

