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Acknowledging users


In conversations, humans like to be acknowledged to shows the other person is listening and understands the situation. When a chatbot acknowledges user input, it prompts users to continue interacting, boosts the overall user experience, and makes interactions more authentic.


Acknowledging users example 1

Acknowledging users example 2

Acknowledging users example 3

In all these examples, the chatbot acknowledges the input and then continues with its response, building user confidence that the chatbot understood their query correctly.

Acknowledging users example 4

Here, although there may be some lag time between the query and the response, the chatbot acknowledges the request and then signals they are working on the task.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Do use discourse markers to acknowledge users (see grammar section)
  • Do use interim acknowledgments if the query response takes time to load
  • Do read out dialogs to test if any acknowledgments are naturally missing
  • Don’t forget to balance efficiency with authenticity