Best practices
Transitional text to show something is happening
Use -ing verbs and ellipses (…)
Do not use informal, transitional wording
Confirmation messages: Use the same verb as the transitional text
Error messages
Add a clear reason for the error
Do not blame the user
Add clear instructions for the user regarding what to do next to resolve the error
Do not over communicate
Use … to show an action is required, i.e. fill this in …
Empty-state text
Empty-state wording tells the user the empty space is intentional and should be there, i.e. not an error
Use wording to move the user forward
Use wording to help users understand the function of the empty state
Do not over communicate
Use wording to show users how to resolve the empty state, e.g. with an action, click, etc.
Restoring behavior of items
Be clear on deleting, removing, creating and adding
Create goes hand in hand with Delete, it usually means it cannot be restored
Add goes hand in hand with Remove, it usually means it can be restored
Do not use Delete and Remove as synonym